July 2, 2011~ The Cedar Rapids Kernel baseball team sponsored Armed Forces Night At The Ball Park and allowed Eastern Iowa Honor Flight to accept donations, they had a 50/50 Raffle (which we could not sell tickets fast enough for) and the players worn camo jerseys that were auctioned off with the proceeds going to EIHF.
The highlight of the night was our WWII Veteran, Mike who went on an HF in the spring. The flight changed his life so much he donated $ 50,000.00 to HF so more Vets could go! WOW!! What an amazing man he is to do this! The Kernels had Mike throw out the first pitch for the game. I was honored to be his escort onto the field! Mike did an incredible job and the crowd gave him a standing ovation! Mike is just an great guy to talk with and I am blessed to have been given this opportunity.
Our fundraising was a huge SUCCESS~ we raised $ 5,000.00!!!!
Hi! Where can you find those pictures at, on the Kernels web site?